Beyond judgments. Towards solutions

viac in romeOn the occasion of the 3rd edition of IAD-Italian Arbitration Day, togeter with CAM, AIA and Arbit, the Vienna International Arbitration Centre-VIAC is organizing a Rapid Fire Round on hot topics in arbitration.


Erich Schwarzenbacher, Judge Austrian Supreme Court; Stefano Azzali, CAM General Director; Maria Beatrice Deli, AIA Secretary General; Michelangelo Cicogna, Partner De Berti Jacchia Franchini Forlani; Cecilia Carrara, Partner Legance; Lucia Raimanová, Partner A&O Shearman; Ema Potočnik, VIAC CAN Director; Karl Ehrlich, Deputy Head of Mission, Austrian Embassy in Rome; Ornella Di Benedetto, Legal Officer, Advantage Austria.

The event is free of charge. Registrations on the VIAC website.
Join us in the eternal city! 
